How It Works

Discover the magic of the Full Moon Ritual subscription box with our simple and transformative process. Each month, our curated box provides you with the tools, rituals, and resources to create your very own full moon ritual experience.

Step 1: Get Started

Choose a subscription plan that suits your preferences.

Each month, just before the full moon, you will receive your subscription box with a collection of transformative tools and resources delivered right to your doorstep.

yellow butterfly on person's index finger
yellow butterfly on person's index finger

Step 2: Unbox and Explore

Open your box to discover the guided meditations, journaling materials, activities, and extras carefully selected to enhance your full moon experience. Read through the detailed instructions and familiarize yourself with the rituals and practices provided.

white flower on white ceramic bowl
white flower on white ceramic bowl

Step 3: Create Your Ritual

Set aside dedicated time for yourself or gather with friends to create your very own full moon ritual. Follow the instructions, engage in the guided meditations, indulge in journaling, and participate in the activities provided. Immerse yourself in the transformative energy of the full moon.

dwarf statue in garden
dwarf statue in garden

Step 4: Connect and Share

We encourage you to invite friends, family, or members of your community to join you in creating a full moon circle. Share your experiences, insights, and intentions with each other. Connect on a deeper level and support each other's growth.

sun light passing through green leafed tree
sun light passing through green leafed tree

Step 5: Embrace the Journey

Engaging in this monthly ritual allows you to align with the lunar cycles, nurture your spirituality, and cultivate a stronger connection with your higher self. Embrace the journey of self-discovery, personal growth, and empowerment that each box brings.

brown butterfly on purple flower
brown butterfly on purple flower

Step 6: Repeat and Evolve

As the moon waxes and wanes, continue your subscription to receive new rituals, practices, and resources with each passing month. Adapt and evolve your full moon circle as you deepen your understanding and harness the power of the moon's energy.

the sun in the sky
the sun in the sky